Alachua County Library District

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The Beginnings: The Alachua County Library District Foundation, Inc., was birthed through the cooperation of the Library Staff, the District Board of Trustees, and with the blessing of the Board of Governors. The following citizens were selected to act as a temporary board until elections could be held: Chairman Thomas D. Rider, Secretary Ann W. Williams, and Treasurer Cornelius H. Bonner, Jr. Additionally, Margaret Eppes and Stanley West were selected as temporary board members. The first and very important task was the preparation of the organizational documents necessary for being a 501-(c)(3), which established our Foundation as a non-profit corporation in 1989. The ACLD Foundation was in place when the Headquarters Library was opened in 1991. Our Foundation developed slowly but surely, and in 2009 we formally established our endowment fund, providing the necessary financial stability needed for our growth and work. An Associates’ organization was established early on and is important to the success of our foundation. Dues paid by Associates more than provide the necessary funds for administration of our foundation leaving all donations received available for our support of the library system.