Alachua County Library District

The Library Endowment Fund was formally established by the Board of Directors in 2009. It is a perpetual fund whose principal is invested, and the income earned from the Fund is available for the library. Since local and state tax-based revenues can fluctuate, it is vital to have this stable supplement to support our library. The ACLD Foundation engages in raising funds for the Endowment on an ongoing basis. The Foundation is pleased to be one of the agencies supported by the University of Florida Campaign for Charities. It has also recently received grants from the Ehrhart Family Foundation, the Kosman Foundation, and the Quinn Family Charitable Foundation.
2012 was the first year that the Board provided funds to the District from the income earned. They were used to establish a Teen Space in the downtown library. It will give teens an opportunity to socialize, do homework (while multitasking with music and video, no doubt) and take advantage of library resources without having to keep their voices down. This is sure to be a high tech and popular place after school each day and on weekends.